Humanity | Life

No Gas in the Tank

Some days, I have to stop

Brenda Grate
4 min readFeb 4, 2024


car broken down on the side of the road
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

There are days when I wake up raring to go, filled with plans and ready to put them into action. And then there are days, like today, when I feel like I’m out of gas. Those days never happen when I have all my work done and all the time in the world to relax. It’s always when I have a list of things I want to accomplish. Now, none of them got done.

Why am I writing then? It’s because writing is something that doesn’t take a lot of gas. Coming up with a new and creative way to sell my freelance services on Twitter takes more gas than I have left in the tank.

Days like this can make me feel overwhelmed and useless. I know it isn’t true. The emotions I have right now are just that — emotions. They aren’t a valid picture of my life — only a snippet of time.

When I was younger and still reeling from my childhood, I struggled with emotions. In my young mind, they were terrible and to be avoided at any cost. The fact that I was and am an emotional, even sensitive person meant I had to fight myself constantly. That doesn’t make for excellent mental health or self-esteem.

After my ex-husband left in 2018, I took a course in emotional literacy. It was only after asking myself what I was feeling at that moment and realizing I…



Brenda Grate

Herbalist and Holistic Health Coach. Writing about herbal medicine, relationships, and positive mental health.