
That Day We Met

I couldn’t resist his blue eyes …

Brenda Grate
5 min readAug 31, 2024


The blue-eyed man and the author.
Photo by the author

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All I could see coming toward me were bright blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. I immediately felt resistance. After years of dating, I had learned to distrust a charming smile and pretty eyes.

We had a drink or two and talked for a couple of hours. I had to admit he was fun and interesting. He clearly liked me, but I still didn’t trust him. I’d been charmed and romanced plenty of times before.

I decided to enjoy him for as long as it lasted, but I had no intention of this becoming a long-term thing. For one thing, he was seven years younger than me and had two young children. This knocked him off the possible list as I’d decided no more kids!

We had a great time that evening, and I went home in the morning. Before I could tell my roommate about the guy I’d gone out with the night before, she told me a crazy story from the day before. She’d been working at her home office when there was a loud bang that shot her out of her chair in shock. She thought a tree had fallen on the roof. She ran outside to discover that a garbage truck had blown one of its tires right in front of the house.



Brenda Grate

Herbalist and Holistic Health Coach. Writing about herbal medicine, relationships, and positive mental health.